Full Body Scan
A Comprehensive Scan for your Wellness
A Closer Look
Beginning with the same level of detailed information provided by our Heart and Lung scans, a full body scan with also examine your other vital organs with the ability to identify abnormalities as small as a grain of rice. Detailed images of your heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen and spine will provide valuable information about your current health and insights to apply to your future.
What can a Full Body Scan detect?
Long before physical symptoms or pain are present, our high-resolution, low-dose CT scanners can detect a number of diseases and abnormalities in their earliest stages. Nodules, tumors, cysts, aneurysms, calcium within plaque in the coronary arteries, enlarged lymph nodes, fatty liver, kidney stones, and enlarged spleen are among the conditions visible with a full body scan.
Scans will be read by a Board Certified Radiologist specializing in preventative CT scans, and results will be received within 24 hours.